Profil Użytkownika
I have some amazing friends, just because they don't share my interests doesn't make them any less of a friend. I guess the main thing I want is to meet someone like me, not just who likes similar things like me, but has a similar mentality, who’d understand me more… I'm not sure if I already have this though in someone, I think I do.
I guess overall though I don't take the friends I have for granted, and I am happy I have them…
- Joasia A
- kobieta
- to skomplikowane
- 43 lata
- Liverpool
- Pomorskie
- Wielka Brytania
- Gdynia
- rozglądam się,
- ukryty
- średni
- nie lubię
- hetero
- policealne
- menadżer
18 lat
17 lat temu
17 lat temu
O sobie
Mam charakterek trzeba przyznac, jestem uparta i raczej zlosliwa. Ale nie zeby specjalnie... :)Zreszta jesli nie napiszesz to sie nie dowiesz...