Profil Użytkownika
- Aleksandra L
- kobieta
- wolny(a)
- 34 lata
- Londyn
- Mazowieckie
- Polska
- Płock
- ukryty
- mam
- AQQ / gg
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- nie lubię
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- średnie
- student
15 lat temu
O sobie
Żyję ;) Robie to na co mam ochote, jesli cos mi sie nie podoba to mowie o tym, ew porzucam to :D
Troche roztrzepana, szalona, majaca milion pomyslow.
Cos wiecej? Pytaj :D
Pearl Jam "Wishlist"
I wish I was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off.
I wish I was a sacrifice but somehow still lived on.
I wish I was a sentimental ornamnet you hung on
The christmas tree, I wish I was the star that went on top,
I wish I was the evidence
I wish I was the grounds for fifty million hands up raised and opened toward the sky.
I wish I was a sailor with someone who waited for me.
I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
I wish I was a messenger, and all the news is good.
I wish I was the full moon shining off your camaro's hood.
I wish I was an alien, at home behind the sun,
I wish I was the souvenir you kept your house key on.
I wish I was the ***** break that you depended on.
I wish I was the verb to trust, and never let you down.
I wish I was the radio song, the one that you turned up,
I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish,
I guess it never stops.